It's actually clarified butter but processed one step futher. Pure-butterfat.
Gheelicious uses the highest quality Dutch cultured butter (82% fat) and by removing the excess water and milk solids. We make Ghee (99.9% fat) packed with all the nutrients
Why gheelicious is ghee-mazing?

You already know! Just substitute oil or butter in any recipe. Need to sear, saute, bake or roast? Gheemazing handles it all.

One more perk of Ghee is that its shelf stable, just store it in a dark place and your good for atleast a year. Even after opening you do not need to refrigerate it.
Its been around since ancient India (5000 years +). A staple in Asian cooking, and one of the most important products in Ayurvedic medicine and lifestyle.

Following step for step the ancient ayurvedic manuscripts. Gheelicious ghee is only made from "cultured" butter.
Are you ghee-suitable?

Ghee is made from dairy, but because its free from casein (protein) and lactose (sugar). Its perfectly suitable to have a place in the kitchen of the Paleo dieter.

Healthy, easily digestive fat source and a good alternative to butter. It has more fat, more MTC's and more vitamins than butter. Music to the ears of a Keto dieter.

Perfectly suitable for vegetarians. Ghee is produced from processing milk. It's an excellent healthy fat source. Cooking with it everywhere. How gheerative can you get?

Ghee is casein and lactose free. However gheelicious uses cultured butter which undergoes the extra step of fermentation. Making it easily digestible and super lactose intolerant friendly!